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Nanyang Old Coffee
Nanyang Old Coffee offers uniquely Singapore Traditional Coffee with a friendly customer's service.
30,000 THB (Thailand)
Nanyang Old Coffee was born on 26 September 2007. Singapore Traditional Coffee is uniquely in its own way. The coffee beans (Robusta) is roasted with sugar and butter, we blend in Arabica Beans to gives a more aromatic and smooth taste.

In Singapore Traditional Coffee, we use these pots for brewing and serving. Special Coffee sock is used to filter the coffee powder. Singapore coffee are serves in these porclain cup with green flora ornament. With the extra thick edge, it's able to keep coffee warm in a longer period of time.The Singapore

Way to Order a Cup of Coffee
If you want to order your coffee the Singaporeans way when you visit a traditional coffee shop:

  • Kopi O - Coffee with sugar
  • Kopi - Coffee with condensed milk
  • Kopi C - Coffee with additional of evaporated milk
  • Kopi Siew Tai - Coffee less sweet
  • Kopi Ga Tai - Coffee more sweet

"Kopi" are malay word which means "Coffee". Because Hainanese are the pioneer in selling traditional coffee in Singapore, words "siew tai" & "ga tai" are Hainanese language which are still in use until today.

The operators will also understand if you order the normal way too.

Making The Perfect Cup Of Singapore Coffee
There are many factors in making a good cup of Singapore coffee.

From coffee beans to right amount of coffee powder to right amount of water. Right temperature, brewing time and the amount of condensed milk (sweetener) and full cream milk.

Iced Kopi & Iced Teh is chilled by pouring it into a cocktail shaker with ice, after shaking then pour into a dome shaped cup. With this treatment, you will have a really iced cool kopi or teh.


Why Selling Coffee
Once there was a customer asking me why I want to sell coffee? I went blank for a while and then I realised that the answer was that simple - "Just to serve someone an excellent cup of Singapore Coffee!".

Singapore Coffee is unqiue in it own way, you can never to drink such coffee in any part of the world (beside Malaysia). The standard of Singapore Traditional Coffee is getting worse, to let everyone taste the authentic Singapore Coffee that we use to have and promote it to the rest of the world is my dream.

Price Increased
Our price for a Kopi O (Coffee Black) is 60 cents for a 6oz cup. But due to the increase of the coffee beans, we have no choice but to increase by 10 cents to maintain the excellent quality of our coffee.

I believe we will probably loose 10% of customers due to the raised but his is also a test of whether our customers will appreciate more of our quality coffee or just our cheap price.


ContactNanyang Old Coffee
268 South Bridge Road Singapore 058817
Mobile+65 6100 3450
Information as 18 November 2020 
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